Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Some info for you telling you who owns what in Media and who are the most powerful people who influence us in everything we do!

Media Top 100

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

A2 Coursework productions

Here I will post the youtube links for the A2 students' trailers, please go on and leave them a sensible comment on what you think.
Thanks Miss Walsh

The Resident
The Cultivator II
The Game

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Year 10 Homework Links: Reality TV

For your homework this week you will be required to watch the following programmes and fill in the homework sheets looking at filmic codes.

These will be collected in and marked so you will need to make the time to do this work.

The first Programme I want you to watch is the following:

1900's House

This is an historical Reality TV programme and your questions are as follows:

1) What type of Camera work is used?

2) How is the programme edited together? How do they piece the story/narrative together?

3) What is the role of the narrator?

4) How are the contestants chosen?

5) Why is the set so important?

6) What is the purpose of this programme?

7) Where do you think the conflict will come from in this programme?

8) Is this programme producing REALITY or REALISM?

There is no excuse for not doing this homework as your questions are here as well as in your exercise books.

This will help you with your exam preparation.

Miss Walsh

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Exam Topic for prospective year 10

The examination topic for 2012 for those students who will sit their exam in year 11 on the single award will be:

Hope that helps your decision!

Miss Walsh

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Year 13 A2 Blogs

Hi Everyone:
These are the year 13's blogs for this year. Their brief is to produce a film trailer and a poster and magazine cover to go with it. Please respond to their questionnaire and give them any feedback as they go along.

Thanks all!

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Year 12 2009-2010 blogs

Year 12 Media Studies Students and their blogs.
Please fill in their Questionnaires and give them any feedback as they go through with their coursework and give them any feedback.

Thanks everyone, you are giving a lot more help than you think!

Miss Walsh :)

Welcome to Deyes High Media Department

This blog has been set up to help and advise all Media students at Deyes High. It is a place where you can come to discuss work and to ask for advice on any work you have been set.

It will also contain course information on the courses we offer at GCSE, AS and A level. You will be able to look at student's work and access notes from any talks that have been given regarding the subject.

Feel free to look at and engage with people's blogs and leave helpful comments for them regarding coursework.

For further information see anybody in the media department

Mrs Byrne, Miss Crompton, Mr McLindon, Miss Walsh or Mr Williams